Wednesday, 25 February 2015

My Harvest America - What Complaints Have Surfaced?

My Harvest America Complaints are all over the Internet. This isn't the only MLM company with complaints. Every time a new MLM company launches it brings with it a lot of momentum and yes, a lot of complaints. Lets take a look at what people are complaining about and whether these are showstoppers.

Digging in further, the sleuth in me noticed that a couple of distributors were complaining about the purchase process online. While placing personal orders it was noticed that some of the orders wouldn't go through. The system might be "capping" the orders and this might be the reason why only a few items were available at checkout.

Browsing around various forums I found a few disgruntled customers and distributors complaining about My Harvest America. Social media sites are the best ways to gather information while reviewing an opportunity.

One particular distributor complaint caught my attention. The distributor mentioned that while My Harvest America website had a lot of branded items, these weren't the ones his family was using. If a distributor is unable to assess the system properly, how can he jot down a good testimonial for his prospects?

There have been reports about long delays in shipments. Some claim that there can a waiting period of up to three weeks. Yes, that's right, I did mention three weeks. I don't know about you, but I am not a very good planner when it comes to food. A three week delay would require a lot of planning in advance or alternatively a lot of trips to the local grocery store, which kind of beats the whole purpose.

Lets take a quick look at what Better Business Bureau (BBB) has to say about My Harvest America, shall we? BBB gives a C rating, which on a scale of "A-F" is not very impressive. We might call this rating a little less than average. Why did BBB give them this rating?

• It seems Better Business Bureau does not have information to determine how long they have been in business.

• BBB claims that they lack information on the company.

According to BBB there are five registered complaints against My Harvest America since December 2009. These complaints have been categorized as follows: problems with delivery, refunds, and advertising. Better Business Bureau states that these complaints have been successfully addressed by the company and resolved.

Since My Harvest America is making an attempt to resolve complaints registered at BBB it goes a long way in showing that the company cares for its distributors. This a little reassuring while assessing the company.

While I don't see any major issues with the My Harvest America complaints, but it might be a little difficult to learn how to handle these effectively. Summarizing this report I feel this opportunity might be a good one if it is properly marketed. Friends and family should not be treated as a lead source. Leads can be generated consistently by using a good MLM marketing system which has good lead capture mechanisms in place. Using the right resources, good marketing might be the perfect mix for the My Harvest America distributor to make some serious money.

Online MLM Secrets is where you can objective, expert advice about My Harvest America. Be sure to claim your FREE instant access to Jonathan Budd's 8 Day Mastermind Marketing Bootcamp.


Monday, 23 February 2015

Visit the International Harvester Tractors Website to Find Your Model

When searching for tractors that have been around for a long time, you will find the International Harvester company that was created in 1902 by the merge of the McCormick Harvesting Machine Company and the Deering Harvesting Company. These two companies came together to create the International Harvester Tractors. This company has a website that has a list of all the tractors that have ever held their name. They have a very large list where anyone can find out information about the tractors that they have had on the market along with other various information.

These International Harvester Tractors are all listed by their model number so that the consumer can click on the link that goes to the model number that they are looking for. Once you have gotten to the page of your model number, there is a lot of information that you will find out about that specific tractor. This information consists of the tractors various serial numbers, the type of hydraulics it has, its electrical make-up, and what type of battery it uses. You can learn about the capacity, dimensions, tires, mechanical make-up and its power-take off. You can learn the date that the tractor was first put out on the market.

You can also learn information about the International Harvester Tractors when it comes to the factory that it was created in and the total number of that type of tractor that was created. You will be able to see pictures of that trailer as well as what the prices were originally to what the prices are now. There are different tests that these tractors are given, and you can read about these tests as well as the results in order to see rather the tractor that you are looking at is in tip-top condition.

If you own one of these International Harvester Tractors rather it be old or fairly new, you can download its manual in order to have all the specification and information about it right at your fingertips at all times. This website is very useful for people who have a love for these types of trailers. Many people like to purchase old time tractors and refurbish them. This website allows you to have all the information that you may need if you are going to refurbish an older tractor that was created by International Harvester or the other entities that merged in order to create it.


Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Finding Markets for Harvesting Dog Goods


One of the most recommended actions to take when a business begins to fail is to seek out those business units that seem to be taking more funds out of the company to run them than then they are helping to revive into the company. In other words, units that cause more cash flows out than they invite in. Once these units are located, it is important to find a new avenue for the sales of goods in this unit. There are two main avenues that companies usually take; to harvest the goods out of the business, or to utilize them as a source of supplies to one of the more productive business units. This discussion will introduce some information on harvesting these nonproductive goods.

What is Harvest?

So what does it mean to harvest? Well, some believe that it is the same as feeding them into a different department. However, others believe it means finding a way to get rid of the products. This means to find a place to sell them, until they are completely sold out. Many companies have difficulties with this step because they don't know of an outlet to sell them that will generate back a good return. I can certainly vouch for those concerns because I have seen it myself where there will be an eBay advertisement for some supplies product looking like its being sold by some individual person that went and stole it from a worksite somewhere. In actuality, the advertisement really came from a small business somewhere that had leftover bundles of the good left, and they just wanted to generate a final profit from it while they let it go.

Specialized Outlets

There are actually some real markets that handle products from businesses that can no longer derive a sound profit from them. I like to call them harvest markets. Some of them are specialized in what they will purchase and some will buy from a large variety of suppliers. Here is a list of just a few of them:

• TJ Max, Ross, Marshals
• Big Lots
• Dollar General
• Family Dollar
• Dollar Tree
• Some Wal-Mart Departments
• Furniture Warehouse
• Amazon & eBay
• Some University/Colleges/Learning Centers
• Reuse companies

So here's what I've Found out. For the most part, TJ Max and its chain of stores, Marshals and Ross, is a specialized harvester. These stores will purchase goods from name brand contributors that were manufactured in surplus amounts, or at greater amounts than demand required. This is how the stores are able to provide such good discounts on name brand items for consumers. These stores welcome goods that are meant for harvest because such goods are normally built at the same time as the goods that sale, and are thus supplied at the same quality as all other goods coming from that brand name. However, these companies normally want to purchase goods that are coming from prestigious or brand name companies. They do not want to purchase run of the mill type goods just to help with harvest. They are concerned about what is in it for them when they make the deal to purchase.

These same stores will also buy house wares; such as furniture, decorative items, and kitchen items from goods suppliers. The compensation to the manufacturer may be a bit less than the retail price of the goods before harvest, but it is usually enough to keep the company rolling and the business from falling under. Furthermore, consumers that purchase the goods from these places will remember the name of the brand and the quality of the goods they purchased for later purchases, when they are in the position to buy the products at regular retail rates.

Variety Outlets

Big Lots is a harvest market for all kinds of goods, and there are similar lesser known store lines that work much the same. These stores actually get most of their supplies through purchasing them off of harvest. Big Lots invests in fertilizers, mulch, outdoor furniture, indoor furniture, toys, lotions, soaps, electronics, kitchenware, home décor, shoes, slippers, groceries, gourmet foods, gourmet candies, and many other things that they are able to purchase when they find a good bid. They sell the products back to the consumers at a much lower price than they would have purchased at a regular store or major supplier because these entities are willing to sell it off to them without worrying about making a profit. Dollar General is very similar to the way Big Lots and these other stores work, except that Dollar General also sells its own generic brand of goods.

Inside Generic Brands

Inside brands cannot be completely excluded from the harvesters list though. These brands are often supplied by name brand producers. Those producers create a lot of content and want it all to sell. Rather than to waste any leftover supplies, they package the leftover products into less expensive packaging and sell it to these other retailers as generic goods. In some instances, the parent company may be able to qualify a portion of these supplies as charitable goods. They will have to follow certain guidelines and only a certain amount will qualify, but it has been done. The charitable contribution method may not provide an immediate return, but it does provide a return in the form of reduced taxes, which is a reduced amount of money that the company will need to spend when it comes time for them to pay their taxes, in whatever interval that they pay. This is similar to when a company provides a donation to Salvation Army or Good Will; only these companies usually mix techniques between the charitable contribution method and the sale as a harvest good. Many times the generic brand companies will want to continuously take the overage as a regular good.

Stores like the Dollar Tree and the Family Dollar many times receive harvest goods in a similar manner, to sell as their own generic brands. Occasionally they will have special sales where items are introduced in limited quantities for a limited time because a major corporation was willing to sell off to harvest. I remember once picking up a few bottles of Coppertone Sunblock at SPF 70 from the dollar tree for only $1 a bottle. The same lotion sold in the regular stores for nearly $12. I guess there aren't as many people as I thought needing that type of sunblock because I haven't seen it in the stores since that year when I was able to buy so many bottles of it at one time. The same thing happened with a system that would take cassette tape music and transfer it to MP3 on a computer so that it could be used in iPods and other MP3 players. Dollar Tree got a large customer base when they sold that product because it was near Christmas and many of the people that bought it went and sold it on eBay and made a return from it themselves. The method works out great because the consumers get a good rate, the selling store gets a profit, and the manufacturer does not have to let go of the item for free, and they do not have to pay for it to let go of it.

Sell Excess as a Supplier to Others

I once even read an article that spoke about how Wal-Mart was able to sell their tires at such an inexpensive price. This article actually focused on the Goodyear tires that are sold in the Wal-Mart service centers. The company actually sells to Wal-Mart excess tires that have been on the market for a specified amount of time. I guess that Goodyear puts a sort of expiration date on their tires so that they tires are not prone to going bad quicker just because the customer bought the tire past that date; when the tires are starting to degenerate as particles of the materials begin to fall off. This ensures top quality of the tires that are sold through Goodyear stores and through the suppliers Goodyear allows to sell them. Once that time limit is reached, but the tires are still good, the company needs an outlet for the tires or they have to just let them go. Wal-Mart provides a good avenue for them. Wal-Marts reputation for providing good quality at an affordable rate allows them to be able to purchase the excess tires and then sell them back to their customer base at a much lower rate than anywhere else. However, these tires are no longer backed by Goodyear; they just carry the name on their design. It's still a good quality tire, it's just no longer guaranteed by Goodyear's time limitations.

Other methods

There are a couple of other avenues not yet mentioned. Some companies will purchase the excess goods to supply their own services. I read an article once about when one of the Fiat models began to decline in sales. While reordering marketing funds to some of the newer models, Fiat sold the old body and some of its parts to other car manufacturers to use on their own models. I guess the models were similar enough when disassembled that the sell was helpful. Custom motorcycle designers are often popular for the design of the motorcycle bodies, while oftentimes using a variety of different manufacturers to supply the engines. To save money, they are will to use harvest engines inside of their designs as long as those engine are from a good manufacturer so that they don't mess up the overall outlook of the design.

Small Business

It's not just in automobiles that this works. Small businesses are constantly reaping the benefits of these harvest accounts. What is excess chlorine at your company can be turned into ample pool maintenance supplies at their company. These starters will look anywhere to get a discount on supplies; web search, eBay, Amazon, call suppliers in person to work out a deal, and even advertise to have suppliers looking to sell out to contact them. Some even have private business forums where businesses can trade excess supplies between each other. I remember an old mechanic friend, who started his own shop, even asking customers if they wanted to reduce their costs by giving him permission to purchase parts from a local salvage yard industry. These suppliers are willing to buy from everywhere to get a good price. If they feel a bulk deal will pay off, they are a prime market for harvest.

Final Thoughts

If all else fails, website like Amazon and eBay do work well, and do some auctions. It all depends on the good to be sold. Regardless, during financial decline Harvesting does present itself as a good alternative, with many avenues for generating a small profit from the diminishing goods.

For more details information on finding harvest markets, or for any other questions please visit my website at and fill out the contact form.
