Monday, 15 April 2013

Web harvesting: Do web harvesting to scrape site pages

Getting the hard work you have put into your website noticed on the web can be a difficult and seemingly daunting task to most people.  Given the expansive amount of information available through any search engine inquiry companies are constantly looking for ways to broaden their website’s exposure when a potential customer begins their online search.
What is Web Harvesting?

Web harvesting also known as Web Scraping is in an increasingly popular method used by websites to channel customer’s searches to their website.  Although extremely technical in language the basic process of web harvesting can be described as follows:

    Web harvesting program identifies websites that contain specific content directed at the particular web harvest inquiry;
    The web harvesting program then downloads the website information, including a link which directs the searcher to the companies’ website;
    The information is then indexed by well known search engines such as Yahoo and Google to enable the information to be easily accessed by further searches.

Increasing exposure by the use of web harvesting is essential for a business wishing to expand online.  The use of web harvesting will result in an increased probability that an online search will direct a potential customer to your website, which is the key factor in increasing online business revenue.

For most business owners the research, programming know how and overall time expended in attempting to capture the power of web harvesting is not on the top of their ever growing checklist.

As a result, it has become essential for a business’s growth that they seek outside assistance in their efforts to increase their web presence.  To the end, businesses must seek out the most cost-effective and user friendly web harvesting software available to ensure that their efforts are rewarded with positive results every time.
web crawling introduction
Web spider
Where do I Purchase Web Harvest Software? offers the most user friendly web harvesting software on the market today.  Their step by step tutorials provides all the guidance needed for anyone wishing to utilize the power of web harvesting.

For those still not sold on the idea, offers a free trial online download, to enable web harvesting skeptics the opportunity to test drive their software before they commit any financial resources.

The great thing is that the web harvesting software from FMiner is user-friendly, and you do not need to have any programming experience to use it. Anybody can use it, from experienced web designers to non-tech data harvesters. To get started easily, you will be provided support if you do not know how to use it to your advantage. There are tutorials on navigating the software, how to create a project and how to harvest.
Use FMiner to do web harvesting and data mining

 The meanings of 'web harvesting' and 'web scraping' are similar, but 'web harvesting' is often used to mean crawling multiple sites and extracting a specialised set of data. It can be thought of as directed web crawling. FMiner is a useful tool for web harvesting. It can add multiple site links as the starting URL in an extraction project file and configure the extracted result to be saved into the same database. Then, using the "schedule" and "incremental" functions, the program can harvest page contents from multiple sites continuously and incrementally.

'Web mining' means mining data from websites. Web mining can be divided into web content mining, web usage mining and web structure mining, according to the mining analysis targets required. Web usage mining means finding out what users are looking for on pages and often involves analysing server log files. Web structure mining means analysing the node and connection structure of a web site using graph theory. 'Web content mining' means scraping the website's page content or metadata and analysing the extracted data. Before analysis can be carried out, the necessary page content data must be extracted. FMiner easily extracts page content data or metadata and stores it in the database.
What is the Cost of the Software? web harvesting software offers the following software downloads:

    Fminer: $168.00
    Fminer Pro: $398.00

After purchasing the software the business is given a serial number which allows them to immediately download the web harvesting software immediately allowing businesses the ability to begin harvesting their online presence and increasing website traffic to their business the key ingredient to a jump start to their bottom line.
You Cannot Afford to be Without the Fminer Software

Any business which wishes to increase their revenue simply cannot afford to be without the Fminer software.  For the cost of an advertisement in a local newspaper a business can take advantage of the endless possibilities that increased web exposure brings to their business and as a result raising the ceiling to their businesses potential and success in the ever growing competitive world of commerce.

About FMiner

FMiner is a real visual web scraping tool with a diagram designer, and you can use it to build a project with macro record.



Delta Ray is experienced web scraping consultant and writes articles on Yelp Data Scraping, Linkedin Profile Scraping, Yellowpages Data Scraping, eBay Product Scraping,  Website Harvesting, IMDb Data Scraping, Yelp Review Scraping Tripadvisor Data Scraping, Linkedin Email Scraping, Screen Scraping Services and yellowpages data scraping.

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