Friday, 30 January 2015

My Harvest America - How to Get 9,840 My Harvest America Distributors in Your Downline

My Harvest America distributors are crawling the internet looking for the best, most efficient, proven method of growing their business. Why?

I'm going out on a limb with this but I would venture to say that most that are with this company have been in several MLM's before with no success. If so you already know about the constant rejection, countless home parties, cold calling leads, harassing family members and friends. Your credibility with your sphere of influence is shot like mine was because you've been in so many different MLM's.You've made up your mind that you really don't want to go that route anymore.

On the My Harvest America corporate website they teach you to:

1. Watch the video

2. Sign Up

3. Make your prospect list

4. Give them your website

5. Have them watch the video

You are more than welcome to build your business that way if that approach works best for you. But if you are like countless other My Harvest America reps you want to learn how to max out the 3x8 matrix at 9,840 distributors and be a top earner as fast as possible using leverage.

The most effective way now is to place your business, website, presentation or whatever you want to call it in front of millions of people on the internet. And there's one thing for sure. You can't just decide to throw up videos, webpages, and other ads thinking that a mass amount of traffic is going to magically appear to your website.

These are things you must learn

- how to choose buying keywords vs browser keywords

- how to write headlines that will get people to read your ad, article, email or watch your video

- what to say in videos, how long is too long, how to get massive views

- what's the correct way to do Google PPC and not get Google slapped

- why you should ditch your company replicated site fast

That is just a taste. So by now hopefully you can see that there is more to it than just doing it on your own. If you are using the excuse that "I'm not internet savvy" you can buy into it or learn how to overcome that obstacle.

If you want to be a top earner in My Harvest America I strongly suggest you embrace the internet as a powerful tool for leverage. Not only that but learn from those that ARE where you want to be.

To get an in depth My Harvest America review go here. There you will find out how to become a top earner by mastering the internet and learning from the pros.


Sunday, 25 January 2015

Harvesting Tweets For Research and Profit - Is it Legal?

Harvesting tweets is on the rise.

Researchers and marketers alike are now capturing and downloading Tweets from Twitter's database. Privacy activists argue privacy concerns. Researchers, marketers, and Twitter users all want to know - is Twitter harvesting legal?

How and Why

Every day, users of the Twitter social media publishing platform send out millions of Tweets - short electronic messages of 140 characters or less - to their readers and followers.

Most Twitter users are not aware that it's relatively easy for anyone with a skilled programmer to harvest and download their Tweets. All a programmer has to do is to gain access to Twitter's Application Programming Interface (API), and then to write code that requests data from Twitter's servers through the API. The code contains search criteria, usually in the form of key words and phrases of interest.

One prime example of why Tweets are harvested is the harvesting of Tweets by news organizations Tweets during the riots that followed the Iranian presidential election of 2009. The results provided an excellent source of real time information from a closed society as events unfolded, and afterwards, a fascinating historical record of how the protesters worked together under difficult conditions.

Advertisers have also joined the Tweet harvesting process. For example, suppose you're going to lunch in an urban office setting, and you tweet a collection of co-workers suggesting a specific restaurant. A savvy marketer harvests your Tweet, and then emails to your smart phone a coupon for a hefty discount at another restaurant nearby. Pretty nifty for the savvy marketer, and perhaps a welcome suggestion for a discounted lunch, but is it legal?

The Electronic Communications Privacy Act

In 1968, the Wiretap Act was passed to impose rules for obtaining wiretap orders. In 1986, the Wiretap Act was amended by The Electronic Communications Privacy Act to extend coverage of the Wiretap Act to electronic communications.

Generally, the Wiretap Act as amended prohibits the intentional interception, use, or disclosure of wire and electronic communications, unless a statutory exception applies. This means that all persons (including governments) are prohibited from wiretapping phones and intercepting electronic communications over the Web, unless a statutory exception (safe harbor) applies.

How does this apply to Tweets? A specific statutory exception applies to electronic communications that are publicly accessible. This is the exact language of the statutory exception: "It shall not be unlawful...for any intercept or access an electronic communication made through an electronic communication system that is configured so that such electronic communication is readily accessible to the general public".

Readily accessible to the general public is defined by the statute as follows: "...with respect to a radio communication, that such communication is not...scrambled or encrypted".

It would appear that any Tweet that is not designated by the Twitter user as "private" would clearly fall within the statutory exception because the Tweet is not scrambled or encrypted. So, Tweet harvesters appear to have a strong argument that they're protected by the publicly accessible safe harbor.

The Google Litigation

Google is now involved in litigation involving its collection of WiFi data. It seems that Google's Street View cars have engaged in the now-ended practice of collecting bits of private wireless data while cruising neighborhoods for data used in its Google Maps online service.

Although Google ceased this type of electronic data collection and stated that it was not intentional, a class action suit has been filed against Google.


The harvesting of Tweets that are not designated as private would appear to be protected by the publicly accessible safe harbor.

It's interesting that Google's collection of WiFi data is very similar to Tweet harvesting. It would seem that publicly accessible safe harbor would also protect Google in this litigation, but we'll have to wait and see how this case is resolved.


Wednesday, 21 January 2015

My Harvest America, the Future of Shopping

My Harvest America dubbed their Internet based shopping system "The Grocery Store of the Future". It is in fact clear that the route in which the marketplace is moving is from a direct go-buy approach to a more abstract one comparable Internet ordering. For the MLM business, this might be the variation that makes the change and My Harvest America have apprehended the chance with their new concept. A query rises, however: is this methodology going to be profitable for the contemporary buyer, or are we even now waiting for the model to be wholly and efficiently implemented?

The re-launch of the company was the 22nd of December 2009. In a confident endeavor to change their marketing strategies, My Harvest America completed the leap from the 90ish perceivable catalog shopping to the virtual notion of online grocery shopping. As a direct consequence, your commercial plan ought to evolve from the old-school "spread the word to friends and relatives" to the modern techie Internet marketing method. Still, it looks this will be your job, as the company hasn't yet created any strategy to that end. They have prepared a little improvements, e.g.: they propose to host a website for you, the Internet connection techniques, the computer-initiated matrix, etc. but unfortunately no online marketing help or training.

My Harvest America presents an array of everyday-use non-perishable products. The upside is you only have to pick these products just sitting contentedly at home and have them transported to your home. Owed to Fred Weih's experience and proficiency in direct sales and to the clear lack of competition, the company is presented with the opportunity of taking over this particular market segment.

Opinions on market need for this specific mode of selling groceries may vary, as its reward are arguable. One big hitch is that to acquire perishable products similar to meat, dairy or vegetables, you will still have to go to supermarkets, so you won't be cutting back a lot on gasoline or time. As contrasting to the vastness of product brands you can obtain in a traditional store, My Harvest America presents a smaller range of brands, and this may be a nuisance for the typical buyer who desire brands that are not listed in MHA list. Moreover, the incomplete number of grocery stores can only result in to lengthy shipping time. But all these disadvantages didn't obstruct a number of almost 1000 possible shoppers to sign on the MHA website throughout the launch day.

As far as the compensation plan is considered, My Harvest America enables its customers choose from two assorted membership types, Shopper and Super Shopper. The chief difference between these two memberships is that the Shopper has a 10 percent bonus on each representative, whereas the latter's bonus is 20 percent. They also get a matching bonus on each one of their rep's rep as much as the 5th level. The maximum number of levels is 8, each sponsor attain to sport 3 reps on their respective first level. A total grasp of Internet marketing strategies is essential in order to really to make money. You not only need to form a good team, but you also have to make certain that the team is effective and creating success. All this necessitates specialized training, but is My Harvest America going to give it?

It seems that, this is not the case. There aren't any mentions of training on the MHA website, but this is routine for newly created MLM Internet websites. All you can get from their site is an Advertising Guideline and a Question & Answer document related to MHA Grocery frequent issues.

Unfortunately, My Harvest America still seems to cast national "bring a friend" conferences in place of the Network Marketing approach training you ought to be expecting. This may only require that if you want to create income by way of their online grocery stores, its solely up to you to understand the right strategies and techniques by yourself, and assemble your team suitably.

All in all, My Harvest America gives the feeling of a fair opportunity for profit, given that the actual prospect already has a knowledge of Internet Marketing and team building. In addition it seems that, as is usually the case with new network marketing companies, joining now might be a good investment. Then again, one can emphasize that it's not the moment of joining that is key to success, but the marketing method you use.


Friday, 9 January 2015

My Harvest America Business Opportunity

Starting a business is not easy. It is especially difficult if you want to start a business with a new company; such as My Harvest America. The reason is there is no history behind it and most people know the many MLM and network companies come out of the wood work with every kind of promise of helping the average man or women become wealthy, but then they disappear. Competition between MLM's and network marketing companies are fierce and only the strong will survive.

So, what does My Harvest America business opportunity has to offer that is so different than the many hundreds of thousand MLM's and network marketing companies out there. Well, let us first discuss what My Harvest America is.

My Harvest America is an online discount grocery store that offers free shipping. In addition it is a home based business opportunity that is helping many people save money on the products purchased.

My Harvest America business opportunity launched on December 21, 2009. It is a direct sales company that pays customers money that normally would go towards advertisements. The money is sent directly to you in the form of commissions. Those who generate an income for My Harvest America are referred to as representatives.

This company offers savings on thousands of discount groceries and millions of products from name brand stores. Here are a sampling of what this business opportunity has to offer:

- Baby = everything from diapers to baby food.
- Baking = Breadcrumbs to cake decorating
- Cereal = Huge selection of Cold and Hot cereals.
- Canned Goods = from soups to nuts.
- Deserts = All the mixes you will ever need.
- Pasta = wide variety of every style
- Household = everything you need to keep your household clean
- Pet Products = supplies for your bird, cat or dog
- Snacks = whatever snack you like they have.
- Spreads = from peanut butter to marmalades.

To become a member costs only $29.95 per month. To earn commissions, you must purchase a product package. You bonuses are paid on the 15th of each month. There is a three day refund policy on all product packages. Each My Harvest America representative will have their own website which is requested during the enrollment process. The website looks similar to MY HARVEST username.

There are no monthly fees for your website or your back office. The replicated websites and back office are part of your yearly administration fees.

Currently, My Harvest America business is only offered in the United States.

My Harvest America Compensation Plan:

As a representative, you have the potential to earn rewards up to and beyond 8 levels of referred shoppers. To grow you business, you earn commission from all subscription orders placed in your 3x8 shoppers team that forms a matrix. To qualify to receive Matrix commissions, you must have enrolled as a shopper or super shopper and be on a monthly subscription and have at least one personally sponsored shopper or retail subscriber on a monthly subscription.

Other ways to generate an income from the My Harvest America compensation plan is:

50% Shopper Matching Bonus - $29.95/month

Earn 10% Matching Bonus on your personally sponsored shoppers and their personally sponsored shoppers up to 5 levels and unlimited width for a total of 50% match. Earn 20% matching bonus on your Personally sponsored Super Shoppers and their Personally sponsored Super Shoppers up to 5 levels and unlimited width of a total of 100% match. Retail Subscriber Income: upline earns a residual income from their monthly $39.95 or 99.90 shopper subscription fees.

100% Super Shopper Matching Bonus - $49.95/month

My Harvest America Products:
Package 1: Grocery Program (Shopper): $69.90
Shopper: $29.95 (Retail price is $39.95 per month)

My Harvest America Trainings:
My Harvest America Corporate Calls is one form of training offered. Not a whole lot of information offered in this area; not even on their main website. There may be some individual groups within the company that offer trainings but what kind is not known.


I think My Harvest America is looking to be ahead of the game. We sell just about everything else on the internet, so why not groceries too? The question is will people be willing to change their grocery shopping habits to shopping for their groceries online. That remains to be seen.

On last additional comment is going to be on their training. Most people fail due to lack of marketing skills. I think it would be advantages for My Harvest America or any MLM or network marketing business to offer trainings on various forms of marketing, offline as well as online and online would probably be the best way since this is a company that markets their goods on the internet.

If, as a representative of My Harvest America or any MLM or network marketing company for that matter isn't giving you the skills you need to generate leads, customers, sales, don't quit. There are many resources you can find on the internet that will give you the skills you need to be a success in your home business. You just have to look for them and test them to see which one you prefer.

Online marketing or training companies usually have a sales funnel, which will allow you to generate an income while you are building your business. Never give up because quitters never succeed. Successful people are usually the ones who are willing to do what most other people will not do.


Tuesday, 6 January 2015

MyHarvestAmerica Website - What Message Does it Put Across?

The most striking thing about the MyHarvestAmerica website are its colors, red, white and blue. Is it putting across patriotic messages? The Tag line "The Grocery Store of the Future is No Store At All" is eye catching and is followed by a red navigational bar.

When you visit the website you will notice that it has a promotional video, some sales copy and a few reasons to buy from the website. The website also has a scrolling screen displaying the brands offered by the company. The scroll speed was very fast and a bit annoying. I did get it to slow down so that I could actually view the brands by placing my mouse on the scrolling banner.

The video on the website provides reasons why we should use MyHarvestAmerica website to order groceries. It emphasizes on the point that apart from getting access to over 10,000 brands you save money and have the opportunity to make money as well.

The navigational bar has various links which provide in depth information about the company, the services and benefits. If you were to browse to the Loyalty Program tab you will notice a video which explains how the My Harvest America model works. The Super Shopper Benefits tab provides information about the discounts available to shoppers who opt into the program as "Super Shoppers".

It was a little disappointing that the My Harvest America website does not have a lead capture mechanism or marketing systems in place. The website serves as an online brochure for the company which is of little help for distributors as a marketing tool. For newbies it might require a lot of effort to learn how to market their business and generate a constant stream of leads.

Prospects browsing the website cannot view the products offered by My Harvest America. A user-name and password are required to browse the retail shopper area. There is a video which walks you through the virtual supermarket but if you want to experience the process you have to be a member.

It is safe to say that the My Harvest America website serves as a marketing tool for the company by providing information about the company, the services and money making opportunities. The company has made an attempt to make the site as informational as possible with the use of videos, media clips and the like. Their efforts are feeble and does not appeal to the web 2.0 audiences.

The website is well laid out and appealing but it does lack web 2.0 features which are very necessary for marketing nowadays.
