Friday, 30 January 2015

My Harvest America - How to Get 9,840 My Harvest America Distributors in Your Downline

My Harvest America distributors are crawling the internet looking for the best, most efficient, proven method of growing their business. Why?

I'm going out on a limb with this but I would venture to say that most that are with this company have been in several MLM's before with no success. If so you already know about the constant rejection, countless home parties, cold calling leads, harassing family members and friends. Your credibility with your sphere of influence is shot like mine was because you've been in so many different MLM's.You've made up your mind that you really don't want to go that route anymore.

On the My Harvest America corporate website they teach you to:

1. Watch the video

2. Sign Up

3. Make your prospect list

4. Give them your website

5. Have them watch the video

You are more than welcome to build your business that way if that approach works best for you. But if you are like countless other My Harvest America reps you want to learn how to max out the 3x8 matrix at 9,840 distributors and be a top earner as fast as possible using leverage.

The most effective way now is to place your business, website, presentation or whatever you want to call it in front of millions of people on the internet. And there's one thing for sure. You can't just decide to throw up videos, webpages, and other ads thinking that a mass amount of traffic is going to magically appear to your website.

These are things you must learn

- how to choose buying keywords vs browser keywords

- how to write headlines that will get people to read your ad, article, email or watch your video

- what to say in videos, how long is too long, how to get massive views

- what's the correct way to do Google PPC and not get Google slapped

- why you should ditch your company replicated site fast

That is just a taste. So by now hopefully you can see that there is more to it than just doing it on your own. If you are using the excuse that "I'm not internet savvy" you can buy into it or learn how to overcome that obstacle.

If you want to be a top earner in My Harvest America I strongly suggest you embrace the internet as a powerful tool for leverage. Not only that but learn from those that ARE where you want to be.

To get an in depth My Harvest America review go here. There you will find out how to become a top earner by mastering the internet and learning from the pros.


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