Friday, 3 July 2015

Mobile app developers “duped” into distributing data-scraping malware: NICTA

The surge in mobile malware has led many to condemn developers' poor security practices, yet recent NICTA research suggests that – even though data-stealing is ubiquitous among both paid and free Android applications – many mobile application developers are in fact being “duped” into incorporating data-stealing routines into their applications.

A methodical analysis of Android applications and source code found that all of the top 100 paid and non-paid apps in Australia were collecting personal information, with 60 percent of the apps incorporating some sort of tracking library and 20 percent of the apps featuring more than three different tracking libraries.

While many have blamed developers for their poor security, NICTA mobile systems research group leader, Aruna Seneviratne, who leads the organisation's Networks Research Group, told CSO Australia that many tracking libraries were inadvertently added when developers incorporated third-party libraries into their mobile apps.

“In most cases app developers just use third-party libraries and don't know what's in them,” he said. “They're not being malicious for the sake of being malicious; they are just being duped into doing a thing that collects a lot of information.”

 And collect they do. Apps analysed by the team – whose paper 'early detection of spam mobile apps' was accepted for presentation at the recent WWW 2015 conference in Florence, Italy – were siphoning all kinds of personal information off of users' mobile devices, often sending it to enlarge what have become massive databases of personal preferences and behavioural modeling.

“It's amazing how much information each of those apps collects,” he said, “and the scary thing is that most of them actually go to a small number of sources – which means these guys can actually infer a lot of information about you. They have a very good idea of who you are and what you're doing – and they are cross-matching the information they collect.”

Ever more-clever data-siphoning routines were making data collection richer all the time, with many Android apps now being designed with libraries that collect information about nearby Wi-Fi access points and can correctly extrapolate the user's location 90 percent of the time.

Read more: The week in security: Android apps collecting your location data, home routers hit by drive-by malware

Seneviratne blamed Google's relatively lax app-approval process for the proliferation of such apps, which join the malware-laden apps that by the team's figures account for around 3 percent of all Google Play Store apps.

Recognising that developers are often as clueless as users about the extent of the data collection going on, the team has proposed an app-rating system that will give consumers a better idea of what they're enabling by downloading and installing a particular app.

A basic prototype has already been developed and a pilot site is expected to be up and running by the fourth quarter of this year. The service, which rates apps on criteria such as privacy and security, will be available to third parties as a Web service that Seneviratne hopes will eventually help it gain traction on app-rating and other sites.

Read more: Surveillance laws driving companies to limit data collection, developers to boost security

“We've been working to come up with a scheme that is similar to the energy-ratings system that you have for electrical appliances,” he said, noting that the site will also seek to boost developers' security awareness by correlating app ratings “to let consumers know they can download an alternate app that has the same functionality but a higher security rating”.

Israeli developer-tools firm Checkmarx has taken its own approach to improving developers' security skills, recently learning extensive lessons as hackers worked to manipulate its Game of Hacks security application – which is now under development to be sold to large corporates for developer training and testing.

This article is brought to you by Enex TestLab, content directors for CSO Australia.

Read more: The week in security: Budget flags encryption troubles, cross-government IAM

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    Victorian Commissioner for Privacy and Data Protection sorts sheep from the goats

    Better than email: VISA launches FireEye threat intel platform for merchants


Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Twitter Scraper Python Library

I wanted to save the tweets from Transparency Camp. This prompted me to turn Anna‘s basic Twitter scraper into a library. Here’s how you use it.

Import it. (It only works on ScraperWiki, unfortunately.)

from scraperwiki import swimport

search = swimport('twitter_search').search

Then search for terms.

search(['picnic #tcamp12', 'from:TCampDC', '@TCampDC', '#tcamp12', '#viphack'])

A separate search will be run on each of these phrases. That’s it.

A more complete search

Searching for #tcamp12 and #viphack didn’t get me all of the tweets because I waited like a week to do this. In order to get a more complete list of the tweets, I looked at the tweets returned from that first search; I searched for tweets referencing the users who had tweeted those tweets.

from scraperwiki.sqlite import save, select

from time import sleep

# Search by user to get some more

users = [row['from_user'] + ' tcamp12' for row in \

select('distinct from_user from swdata where from_user where user > "%s"' \

% get_var('previous_from_user', ''))]

for user in users:

    search([user], num_pages = 2)

    save_var('previous_from_user', user)


By default, the search function retrieves 15 pages of results, which is the maximum. In order to save some time, I limited this second phase of searching to two pages, or 200 results; I doubted that there would be more than 200 relevant results mentioning a particular user.

The full script also counts how many tweets were made by each user.


Remember, this is a library, so you can easily reuse it in your own scripts, like Max Richman did.


Sunday, 24 May 2015

Website Harvesting - My Harvest America Review - What You Need to Know

My Harvest America business opportunity was launched December 22, 2009. The business opportunity is modeled as a multi-level marketing pyramid. The purpose of this article is to explain what you need to know about this business before you join.

My first introduction to this business was from a gentleman looking for ways to market his new My Harvest America business online. The company gave him suggestions for advertising, but these were costing him too much money without the results he was looking for. I listened as he told me the percent that he makes off each person was not much and would not cover his overhead and advertising costs. I felt sorry for the poor guy, but knew I could help.

My Harvest America deals with nonperishable items, which they claim to offer a huge savings on. They have many name brands along with generic brands. The prices are definitely cheaper on the generic brands. When ordering products you might not find the brands you use on a regular basis. The brand name items are usually cheaper than Wal-Mart. My Harvest America also provides free shipping. Although, I think there might be a limit to that. Joining My Harvest America cost around $70 annually with a monthly fee of around $30.

The business opportunity with My Harvest America is a legitimate business. Like health & wellness products the products you will be selling are consumable. People use them day after day, month after month, throughout the year. You will just have to convince them to join and use what you are selling, which brings you to multi-level marketing.

Multi-level marketing (MLM) is a common way for businesses to advertise and build their business. The incentives or pay goes up as the volume of product they sell go up. Product and volume means money for the MLM business, and for the entrepreneur or distributor. When you first get started in a MLM you do not make much profit since you do not have much product volume. That is why they call it a pyramid.

How do you make money with this business? The fastest way is on the internet, where there are millions of shoppers wanting products. In order to do well at this you must have the proper marketing system in place, not just a website the company offers you.

For more Information on My Harvest America. Learn more about Internet marketing and the potential of creating a lasting income online.


Monday, 18 May 2015

An Expert's Unbiased My Harvest America Review

I was recently sent a link to join My Harvest America. It is a new MLM in the pre-launch phase. The company just opened their doors in December 2009. To be clear, you are buying a service with My American Harvest, not a product. The first thought that comes to my mind is Pre-Paid Legal, a rare exception to the typical failure rate for service based network marketing companies. Does My Harvest America have what it takes to survive the long haul?

I was pretty excited to see such a unique service being offered. With a family of four, I see the convenience of getting some staple items shipped right to my front door. The company does seem to offer a wide variety of name brand products at a discount price. The overall concept is to pay for the privilege to save money on items that you are already consuming. Replacement products are always something network marketers should be looking to represent during a down economy. The concept isn't much different than the yearly membership cost already embraced by Costco and Sam's Club Members. Although I should point out, the minimum yearly cost is right at $400 paid out in monthly increments of $29.95 per mo. plus a yearly renewal fee. Super shoppers will spend almost $1000 for their yearly memberships.

Members would have to find some deep savings to recover their cost. I have seen an itemized grocery list that shows an average $25.00 grocery bill computing to half as much for their members. My math says that if you are buying up to $80 per month in staple groceries, you could break even on your monthly membership fee. Unfortunately, I don't think the goal is to break even. So let's consider the business model. Isn't this what it is all about... building a team? My Harvest America Compensation Plan is a 3x8 Matrix, which means you want to sponsor 3 people that are actually working their business to get paid the big bucks. You are paid 8 levels deep. It's been my experience that it usually takes about 30 team members before you'll find the 3 go-getters. With this in mind, if you plan on jumping into the company, be prepared to stick with it and sponsor your heart out.

Some things to mull over before you join My Harvest America.
- The company website lacks a little luster. It could use a makeover, don't you think?

- It doesn't look like a world wide opportunity, so plan on going belly to belly after you soak up the Internet traffic or invest in a good marketing site and lead generating program.
- You are going to have to make the drive to your grocery store. MHA doesn't have everything. Use this service for your home staples.
- A 3x8 Matrix is a little more complicated than a 2x2. You won't see as much spillover in this compensation plan. Plan on working, not getting lucky.
- Pre-launches do not always succeed. You can invest a lot of time and money building a team that may never launch. There will no doubt be bumps.
- Consider becoming a member and making a purchase before you involve someone else. Leaders always walk through the door first.

Mary Volkmann- Internet Marketing Specialist, Business Builder


Friday, 15 May 2015

Organic Harvest Month

Did you know September is "Organic Harvest Month"? If you've ever been interested in learning about and growing organic food, this month is the best time to get started. September was chosen as Organic Harvest month by the Organic Trade Association (OTA) back in 1992. You will find many businesses, food co-ops and community gardens hosting special celebrations in honor of Organic Harvest Month.

Sometimes the label of "organic" may be confusing, and the price tag on organic food can be shocking. So, what exactly does "organic" mean and why should you consider buying or growing your own organic food? I will give you some insight on organics and hopefully you will be encouraged to celebrate Organic Harvest this month. Maybe you will even consider growing your own organic food!

What Does "Organic" Mean?

In this article, I am specifically talking about organic produce. The word "Organic" refers to the way fruits and vegetables are grown and handled. Food labeled "organic" is required to meet certain criteria to be identified this way. It all boils down to the soil the food is grown in and the way the plants are treated for pests and fertilized.

Organic crops must be grown in soil that is deemed to be safe. Safe soil has not been treated with synthetic pesticide for the last three or more years. Organic growers are not allowed to use synthetic pesticides or fertilizer. You may be surprised to know that pesticide is allowed on organic produce. Only natural pesticides are allowed. There are actually many forms of pesticide that are derived from natural sources, these are deemed to be much safer for both the environment and consumer. Additionally, organic pesticide must be applied using clean equipment. Equipment can only be considered clean if it hasn't been used to apply synthetic pesticide for the past three or more years.

To qualify for the label "organic", farmers are not allowed to use Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs). GMO's are plants created in a laboratory by gene splicing. GMO's and their effects have not been thoroughly studied, so the risk of consuming GMO's is highly unknown.

Why Should you Consider Buying or Growing "Organic"?

Organic fruit and veggies are delicious and healthy. By using natural methods to control pests and clean soil, organic farmers are growing healthier food. Organic farmers help keep the soil clean and reduce the amount of dangerous chemical run-off into our water supply.

It has been proven that synthetic pesticides can cause cancer and they have even been linked to diseases such as asthma, diabetes, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. asthma, diabetes, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease. You can learn more about the impacts of pesticide use by visiting our website.

Growing Organic Produce

The best way to ensure your produce is healthy and "organic" is to grow it yourself. There are many great products out there that make growing your own healthy and organic food an easy process. I came across an amazing method for growing organic food in the soil. This method naturally repels pests and reduces the amount of weeds in your garden. The method was created by Jonathan White and is referred to as "Food 4 Wealth". All you do is build a frame (from 8x8 - 15x15 feet), fill it with organic material such as newspaper, hay, fertilizer and compost and then you plant seedlings in a unique way. This method also teaches you how to make compost easily in your backyard. You will have high yields and a garden that will grow and be productive year after year using this technique.

There are also some other unique systems for growing organic food easily right on your patio. The Garden Tower is a great option if you have limited yard space. It's a vertical unit and a composting system that allows you to grow up to 50 plants at a time. Its unique design and morally responsible company make it a wonderful option for patio growing. The Garden Tower is not to be confused with "the Tower Garden", which is an entirely different system. I would definitely recommend learning more about the Garden Tower if you are looking to grow a large garden in a limited amount of patio space.

Another healthy and simple way to grow your own organic food is a hydroponic system. There are many companies that offer great pre-made hydroponic systems. One of my family's favorite systems is the EzGro Garden. This was the first hydroponic system my family ever used. We were complete novices when we purchased the EzGro garden. I have to admit, this system was what started our gardening journey. After several years of enjoying strawberry harvests we were hooked! The EzGro Garden is a simple, low-maintenance hydroponic system. They don't use soil and are fully automated. They are very efficient systems that require minimal space and are very low maintenance. It might surprise you to know that hydroponic systems actually use less water than soil based gardens. It's true though. If you'd like to try your hand at hydroponic gardening, you should consider an EzGro Garden. If we can do it, you can too!


September is Organic Harvest Month, which makes it the perfect time to start eating or growing organic food. With so many options available in your supermarket, why not support organic farmers? Not only are they growing healthy food for you to enjoy, but they're also making an effort to keep the environment clean and safe. If you prefer to be in full control of your organic experience, there are many options for growing easy, organic food right in your home, on your patio and in your backyard. Let's celebrate Organic Harvest Month this September by eating healthy organics.


Monday, 27 April 2015

Dealing With the Question About What Is the Size of a Harvester?

Understanding Different Forms of Harvesters

In a very general approach, harvesters are some of the very useful agricultural (farming or logging) equipment that are obviously used in properly gathering crop-like products and logs as well. These crops can be linseed or flax, soybeans, corns or maize, barleys, ryes, oats and wheat. These crop harvesters are usually or specifically referred as combine or combine harvesters. In the early 1830's, the American Hiram Moore was tagged to be the person responsible for inventing these combine harvesters.

Since that time, these harvesting machines had taken a lot of modifications and alterations giving these machines a better and enhanced performance. On the other hand, a log-cutting and collecting machine is usually called as a feller buncher.

The John Deere 9570 STS

To give potential consumers some idea how big, long or how much these machine weigh, the following statements are all about some measurements. The variables 9.1 meters (or 30 feet), 7.6 meters (or 25 feet), 6.7 meters (or 22 feet), 6.1 meters (or 20 feet) and 4.6 meters (or 15 feet) as some of the given measurements or dimension of the platform specifications of the John Deere 9570 STS. The engine of this particular machine is a six cylinder with 6.8 liters of displacement capacity. Other details can be checked in some internet websites that sell these particular brand and model of these harvesters.

Some Additional Information

These (mainly) agricultural machines or engines are considered to be heavy tools or equipments. Of course, since these machines are composed of heavy and sharp metals or blades, the operation or handling of these machines should always be with caution and much need prudence to avoid any untoward or unwanted mishaps or accidents.

Since these are heavy-duty machines, like any other industrial engines available in the market, their efficiency or effectiveness greatly depends on how they are used or maintained. As for their maintenance or care, owners should check their manuals or instructions or directions for proper handling and taking care of safety as well.

Agriculture or farming has been one of the oldest practices of obtaining or sustaining food for the society. The essence of farming can be said to be a domestication of crop-producing plants and the like. With the development of harvesters, collecting or gathering these crop products has been maximized in terms of the effort, time and resources being spent. A farmer with a large area of crop-bearing fields should consider having these machines in his or her barnyard.


Tuesday, 21 April 2015

My Harvest America - Let the MLM Revolution Begin

My Harvest America has literally flipped the industry upside down in the last few weeks, releasing probably one of the most profitable and simple network marketing companies.

They have introduced the concept of grocery store wholesale, allowing us consumers to buy wholesale products, instead of paying retail at your local super markets. This is huge, if you notice why Amway is still producing $9 billion per year in sales is because of the consumption of their household products.

In the history of network marketing there has never been an opportunity where you as a representative can share a simple product that allows people to buy food for everyday life at a wholesale price. The best part of it all is that you do not have to pay shipping.

You simply head over to the website that is given to you, and you begin buying your grocers. You will then receive those groceries from fedex in a few short days, sometimes even overnight. That was one of the first questions I asked was about the shipping cost, then they said NO shipping cost and man did that truly change the point of view.

The corporate team is very well structured with a industry top earner for more than 30years and the company behind My Harvest America has been in the grocery wholesale business for more than 10years producing huge results.

Want to talk about consumption? Every year in the US alone the grocery market produces over $547 billion in sales from all of us buying products we need to continue living. Why keep promoting luxury costly $150 monthly juices and vitamins when you now have a product line that people consume every single day.

There are going to be a few key things that you must understand in order to create success with my harvest america and here they are:

1. You must be coachable and willing to listen to the training calls and mentors that company has position to help this company grow massively the next few months.

2. Willing to do what non-successful people are not willing to do. You now have the opportunity to save money from products you consume every single day and also share it with other people that need this.

3. Understand that we are in a economic hardship, anything that will save people money with groceries and daily consumable products millionaires will be created.

4. Make a list of everyone you know that buys groceries and share with them how they can save 50%-90% of what they spend every single month on groceries.

5. Must be willing to pick up the phone and just tell people, hey look I have a product that is saving me thousands per year in groceries and I am making money from my own purchases, this is better than your local Wall Mart.

If you can understand these 5 points you will create a huge amount of abundance in your journey with My Harvest America.

Make sure you take a minute, and I leave you with this last point. Every billion dollar company out there you see on tv and throughout advertising networks all have highly consumable products, don't forget to look at what Amway has done with the network marketing structure and household products.


Wednesday, 8 April 2015

My Harvest America Review - A Product Paradise Or Another MLM Wasteland From My Harvest America?

My Harvest America. So what is it then? Let's take a close look at Harvest America to see if it has legs as a network marketing affiliate program, or does it look like just another lame duck? This is the only review of My Harvest America you will ever need to read (bold claim I know but I'll bet my Stars & Stripes on it). Here goes;

The long-time entrepreneur and well recognize Fred Weih has teamed up with internet marketing guru Ronnie Ellis to bring us My Harvest America. Fred Weih's reputation is solid enough that Cornell University has actually looked closely at his business models for innovative ideas and Ronnie Ellis is a pioneer of no little repute. Let's just see what they've come up with, shall we?

Developed in 2009, My Harvest America is an internet based grocery supply depot that offers non-perishable goods at a discounted price. How can they offer this discount? One word: Bulk. They have teamed up with some of the Top Dogs in the grocery industry to buy in quantity and pass the savings down the line to the average consumer. Discounts have been around for a while and the need for food will be around for oh, let's just say forever! Slap the two together and you may just have a winning combination. One of the good thing here is the Global Population isn't going to start shrinking anytime soon; in other words, you have a customer pool that will always have a need. That's definitely the right kind of opportunity for an MLM of any sort.

There is however, a downside to the whole concept. So far it's a toss-up as to whether or not it will be worth it for the savvy shopper with a fist full of coupons. There's always a way to save money if you look hard enough and in this economy people are looking harder. Another issue is shipping. Food is heavy so the shipping costs are higher than I would like to see. My Harvest America as of yet has no good deals on shipping but that may change as they get some longevity behind them.

Now let's look at the actual business opportunity. To activate your representative status you need to first take care of the $29.95 membership fee. This is a fee that everyone pays whether they are a distributor or a shopper. Second, you must purchase your $69.95 product package. The total is a higher than I would like to see but if you have spent any time researching MLM opportunities, you know you could be paying much more in regards to a start up cost.

Once you've taken care of all the enrollment details, you become the proud owner of your very own My Harvest America Website to customize as you see fit. The drawback to this is you don't have a back-office. This isn't such a bad thing if you are familiar with Search Engine Optimization, landing pages, lead capture pages, mailing lists and the rest. Personally, I would rather shell out the extra coin.

The commission matrix is a respectable 3 wide and 8 deep with the opportunity to get deeper. The structure has been around for a while and works. To start reaping the benefits of the matrix you need to do one of two things. You can find at least one shopper you personally sponsor or you recruit your first team member or, "Retail Subscriber".

From personal sales and matrix commissions, we move on to another stream of income, the bonuses. My Harvest America has a few other sources for income. One in particular that struck my fancy is the "Shopper-Matching Bonus". There's a fee attached of $29.95 but once paid, you should realize some decent income. You pull in 50% of the sale from all of your Subscribed Shoppers and an additional 20% from Super Shoppers that you sponsor to the fifth level.

My Harvest America looks like a well rounded MLM business opportunity and has two strong names at the helm. The niche they have entered also has good possibilities; unfortunately, since the company is newborn there is no recorded information as to how well they are doing. You may want to wait and see if they take off first before you sign on as a network marketing affiliate for this particular program.


Monday, 30 March 2015

Third Party My Harvest America Review

Writing a My Harvest America Review has been an interesting journey for me. Prior to writing this review I knew very little about this company. This has been a fun and rewarding experience for me.

I have tried to review My Harvest America keeping in mind what an entrepreneur and a consumer would look for. An entrepreneur would like to know what the compensation plan is, what the product is, how the management is. A consumer on the other hand is looking for a product which will fulfil his needs.

You must be wondering My Harvest America products are? This company offers non-perishable branded grocery items at low prices. As a customer you can make purchases online. Your purchases are shipped home. When you introduce other members you receive a commission on their purchases. The question to be asked is, Is this really convenient?

As a part of my research I got to read a lot of reviews posted online by both customers and representatives of My Harvest America. Since the reviews were written by people who had a lot to benefit from recruiting people and making money, the reviews seemed a lot biased.

You can rest assured that I am providing an unbiased review from a third party perspective. I am not a My Harvest America customer not am I a representative of this company. My job is to question, study and inform.

Answering the question of whether the company might be a scam, I found that the company markets branded products has a good compensation plan. A few cases were registered with the Better Business Bureau, but the BBB website states that the complaints have been resolved. This an indication that the company cares for it's customers and reps.

Most customers claimed that they liked the fact that they didn't have to worry about running around the shops to buy products. Also, the products listed are branded and you can save up to 20% on the products. Couple that with FREE shipping in the United States and this is a GREAT deal.

As a member your shopper designation at which you join My Harvest America determines the amount of fees you pay per month, which can be any where between $29 to $70. Since this is a monthly recurring fee the savings on your online purchases have to offset the fees you incur.

Are you wondering whether the My Harvest America system is a good fit for you? If you are able to plan your purchases and make significant purchases every month, this might be a good savings if you are a customer. If you are a distributor you would have to have a good marketing system in place as the marketing system provided by My Harvest America is not oriented towards distributors.

Online MLM Secrets is where you can objective, expert advice about MyHarvestAmerica. Be sure to claim your FREE instant access to our 8 Day Mastermind Marketing Bootcamp.


Monday, 23 March 2015

My Harvest America Review - A Critical Blueprint to Your Success

My Harvest America has done a 360 to the world we call network marketing. They have introduced the concept of grocery store wholesale, allowing the consumers to buy wholesale products instead of paying retail at your local neighborhood food lion. In the history of network marketing we never seen an opportunity like My Harvest America where the consumers can get every day food for wholesale.

There are a few things you must know in order to take My Harvest America to the next level, My Harvest America has a great product but it still network marketing and a lot of people fail inside of network marketing and for you not to fail with My Harvest America there are a few things you must know.

How To Succeed With My Harvest America

1. You Must Learn Marketing- This step is so critical that it can make you or break you, a lot of people get inside of network marketing and forget the second word which is marketing. My friend if you do not know how to market you will have a hard time in your business. So it very important that you learn marketing, now it so easy to market your business because of the internet, so my friend if you really want to explode your business you must learn how to market on the internet.

2. You Must Brand You- This step is so important that a lot of network marketer miss it. You must brand you, you see my friend there no need to brand My Harvest America because everyone knows about this awesome business opportunity but do anyone know who you are. If I was to Google your name will I find you? maybe not, so it does not matter how great your business opportunity is because when it all boils down people join people not business opportunity. So if you are leading with your business chances are you will have a hard time inside your network marketing business. So if you are looking to succeed inside your business you must brand you. Network marketing been around for a very long time and people switch company so much and they fail in all those company but they are only missing one thing Branding. Do not make a mistake and fail like the other 97% of people inside our industry be different and brand you and watch your income sky rocket..

3. A System Must Be In Place- Were down to our final step in exploding My Harvest America. A system must be in place where you are generate leads for your business and you are branding you as well. You must have a system where you are using the internet to generate quick traffic back to your website and where you are making some fast cash inside your business. So if you are struggling right now it may be due to lack of a system in place, a system helps in all areas of your business and you must have one in place to explode your income.

So your looking to take your My Harvest America business to the next level a system must be in place.


Thursday, 12 March 2015

My Harvest America

Is My Harvest America a Scam? It is brand new late December 2009 and in what they call "pre-launch". All this means is that you can sign up and pay money for the service, but you don't get any benefits of the actual service until launch time.

It's always risky going into a business like an MLM. You should expect to lose all of your money. It's like going to Vegas with $300 in your pocket and hitting the casinos. Do you really expect to win? No. As a gambler you are prepared to lose all $300. Same way in MLM. Expect to lose it all. So if you earn anything, you've actually won a little.

So how about My Harvest America? Is Harvest America scam or legitimate? Well, it seems like a worthwhile business -- that is, selling cheap groceries over the internet. After all, I buy lots of stuff on the internet. But there are some questions you should ask the person who is breathing down your neck. Ask these honest, tough questions in your review of the business, but expect weak answers.

Try going above him/her if you are not satisfied. My guess is that by the time you get all these answers, you will feel like there is too much risk and work to really make this business work, and you will lose interest.

On the other hand, there are some (emphasize SOME -- meaning very few) who do well in MLM like My Harvest America. If you are in the right line of reps and get a slew of dynamos on your team, then off to the races you will be.

In the end though, check out other people's reviews and see if others say Harvest America scam or legit -- don't just look for people who say it is a scam. Find real facts, not just opinions. There are a bunch of naysayers out there who just hate MLMs and think they are ALL scams and pyramids. Good luck in your journey!


1. Is the underlying business of selling groceries on the internet something that will easily make money?

2. How is the math possible to offer low cost groceries AND free shipping AND pay out large commissions to reps?

3. How many people have you personally recruited as a My Harvest America rep? How many rejections?

4. What are the typical reasons why people do or DO NOT want to buy groceries on the internet?

5. Will the products I usually buy be in the "10,000" stated on the website? I'm not just looking for a can of tuna for 20 cents!

6. How much are you spending to advertise your business?

7. Have you been in any other MLM business before this one? If the answer is yes, then ask them why they have decided to switch?


Tuesday, 3 March 2015

My Harvest America Review - Can You Make Money?

My Harvest America is an affiliate program that allows you to earn money by referring new customers to the program. In today's harsh economic climate, saving every little bit of money is important. That is why so many people are switching to shopping rebate programs, such as My Harvest America.


The company was formed almost twenty-five years ago when Fred Weih had the inspiration that would change the way consumers did online shopping. He knew that shopping in general was a hassle, and he wanted to change that. He developed one of the world's first shopping rebate programs on his kitchen table in 1980. Through that first step he developed and perfected his program until it became effective at saving people money. In 2009, Rob Ellis took over the company and created it into what it is known as today, My Harvest America. Fred scrapped his old company and joined aboard with Rob to put their two great minds to work to create one of the largest shopping rebate programs in the world.


There aren't a lot of shopping rebate programs around currently, so not many people know how they work. When you first join, you receive your own website and "business" from which you can promote the main product, the "Secure Sleeve" that protects all of the valuable data that is stored on your credit and debit cards. The Secure Sleeve is a popular item because your credit card data is sensitive information and having it stolen can spell disaster for your finances. After you have received your own website, you can start promoting the product. Promoting can be easy or difficult depending on your marketing experience and how much effort you put into it.

After you start promoting your website, you will start to notice that people will start purchasing the product. When somebody purchases the product, you receive a cut of the sale, known as a commission. This commission can't be cashed out in money form; rather it can be used in My Harvest America's online store, where you can purchase such things as groceries, gas, and other essentials that families need to survive.

Another way to earn money is by gaining referrals. A referral is somebody who joins the program underneath you and starts selling products. When somebody in your down line sells a product, you automatically receive a portion of their money as well. In this manner, it is quite possible to establish a permanent form of residual money month after month. There are thousands of people who already use My Harvest America and many of them are able to earn enough money from the program to purchase all of their groceries and gas they need with no out of pocket money.

My Harvest America is a shopping rebate network that has been in existence for twenty-five years. What started as novel idea by one man in 1980 has since turned out to be worth millions for the members of the program.


Wednesday, 25 February 2015

My Harvest America - What Complaints Have Surfaced?

My Harvest America Complaints are all over the Internet. This isn't the only MLM company with complaints. Every time a new MLM company launches it brings with it a lot of momentum and yes, a lot of complaints. Lets take a look at what people are complaining about and whether these are showstoppers.

Digging in further, the sleuth in me noticed that a couple of distributors were complaining about the purchase process online. While placing personal orders it was noticed that some of the orders wouldn't go through. The system might be "capping" the orders and this might be the reason why only a few items were available at checkout.

Browsing around various forums I found a few disgruntled customers and distributors complaining about My Harvest America. Social media sites are the best ways to gather information while reviewing an opportunity.

One particular distributor complaint caught my attention. The distributor mentioned that while My Harvest America website had a lot of branded items, these weren't the ones his family was using. If a distributor is unable to assess the system properly, how can he jot down a good testimonial for his prospects?

There have been reports about long delays in shipments. Some claim that there can a waiting period of up to three weeks. Yes, that's right, I did mention three weeks. I don't know about you, but I am not a very good planner when it comes to food. A three week delay would require a lot of planning in advance or alternatively a lot of trips to the local grocery store, which kind of beats the whole purpose.

Lets take a quick look at what Better Business Bureau (BBB) has to say about My Harvest America, shall we? BBB gives a C rating, which on a scale of "A-F" is not very impressive. We might call this rating a little less than average. Why did BBB give them this rating?

• It seems Better Business Bureau does not have information to determine how long they have been in business.

• BBB claims that they lack information on the company.

According to BBB there are five registered complaints against My Harvest America since December 2009. These complaints have been categorized as follows: problems with delivery, refunds, and advertising. Better Business Bureau states that these complaints have been successfully addressed by the company and resolved.

Since My Harvest America is making an attempt to resolve complaints registered at BBB it goes a long way in showing that the company cares for its distributors. This a little reassuring while assessing the company.

While I don't see any major issues with the My Harvest America complaints, but it might be a little difficult to learn how to handle these effectively. Summarizing this report I feel this opportunity might be a good one if it is properly marketed. Friends and family should not be treated as a lead source. Leads can be generated consistently by using a good MLM marketing system which has good lead capture mechanisms in place. Using the right resources, good marketing might be the perfect mix for the My Harvest America distributor to make some serious money.

Online MLM Secrets is where you can objective, expert advice about My Harvest America. Be sure to claim your FREE instant access to Jonathan Budd's 8 Day Mastermind Marketing Bootcamp.


Monday, 23 February 2015

Visit the International Harvester Tractors Website to Find Your Model

When searching for tractors that have been around for a long time, you will find the International Harvester company that was created in 1902 by the merge of the McCormick Harvesting Machine Company and the Deering Harvesting Company. These two companies came together to create the International Harvester Tractors. This company has a website that has a list of all the tractors that have ever held their name. They have a very large list where anyone can find out information about the tractors that they have had on the market along with other various information.

These International Harvester Tractors are all listed by their model number so that the consumer can click on the link that goes to the model number that they are looking for. Once you have gotten to the page of your model number, there is a lot of information that you will find out about that specific tractor. This information consists of the tractors various serial numbers, the type of hydraulics it has, its electrical make-up, and what type of battery it uses. You can learn about the capacity, dimensions, tires, mechanical make-up and its power-take off. You can learn the date that the tractor was first put out on the market.

You can also learn information about the International Harvester Tractors when it comes to the factory that it was created in and the total number of that type of tractor that was created. You will be able to see pictures of that trailer as well as what the prices were originally to what the prices are now. There are different tests that these tractors are given, and you can read about these tests as well as the results in order to see rather the tractor that you are looking at is in tip-top condition.

If you own one of these International Harvester Tractors rather it be old or fairly new, you can download its manual in order to have all the specification and information about it right at your fingertips at all times. This website is very useful for people who have a love for these types of trailers. Many people like to purchase old time tractors and refurbish them. This website allows you to have all the information that you may need if you are going to refurbish an older tractor that was created by International Harvester or the other entities that merged in order to create it.


Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Finding Markets for Harvesting Dog Goods


One of the most recommended actions to take when a business begins to fail is to seek out those business units that seem to be taking more funds out of the company to run them than then they are helping to revive into the company. In other words, units that cause more cash flows out than they invite in. Once these units are located, it is important to find a new avenue for the sales of goods in this unit. There are two main avenues that companies usually take; to harvest the goods out of the business, or to utilize them as a source of supplies to one of the more productive business units. This discussion will introduce some information on harvesting these nonproductive goods.

What is Harvest?

So what does it mean to harvest? Well, some believe that it is the same as feeding them into a different department. However, others believe it means finding a way to get rid of the products. This means to find a place to sell them, until they are completely sold out. Many companies have difficulties with this step because they don't know of an outlet to sell them that will generate back a good return. I can certainly vouch for those concerns because I have seen it myself where there will be an eBay advertisement for some supplies product looking like its being sold by some individual person that went and stole it from a worksite somewhere. In actuality, the advertisement really came from a small business somewhere that had leftover bundles of the good left, and they just wanted to generate a final profit from it while they let it go.

Specialized Outlets

There are actually some real markets that handle products from businesses that can no longer derive a sound profit from them. I like to call them harvest markets. Some of them are specialized in what they will purchase and some will buy from a large variety of suppliers. Here is a list of just a few of them:

• TJ Max, Ross, Marshals
• Big Lots
• Dollar General
• Family Dollar
• Dollar Tree
• Some Wal-Mart Departments
• Furniture Warehouse
• Amazon & eBay
• Some University/Colleges/Learning Centers
• Reuse companies

So here's what I've Found out. For the most part, TJ Max and its chain of stores, Marshals and Ross, is a specialized harvester. These stores will purchase goods from name brand contributors that were manufactured in surplus amounts, or at greater amounts than demand required. This is how the stores are able to provide such good discounts on name brand items for consumers. These stores welcome goods that are meant for harvest because such goods are normally built at the same time as the goods that sale, and are thus supplied at the same quality as all other goods coming from that brand name. However, these companies normally want to purchase goods that are coming from prestigious or brand name companies. They do not want to purchase run of the mill type goods just to help with harvest. They are concerned about what is in it for them when they make the deal to purchase.

These same stores will also buy house wares; such as furniture, decorative items, and kitchen items from goods suppliers. The compensation to the manufacturer may be a bit less than the retail price of the goods before harvest, but it is usually enough to keep the company rolling and the business from falling under. Furthermore, consumers that purchase the goods from these places will remember the name of the brand and the quality of the goods they purchased for later purchases, when they are in the position to buy the products at regular retail rates.

Variety Outlets

Big Lots is a harvest market for all kinds of goods, and there are similar lesser known store lines that work much the same. These stores actually get most of their supplies through purchasing them off of harvest. Big Lots invests in fertilizers, mulch, outdoor furniture, indoor furniture, toys, lotions, soaps, electronics, kitchenware, home décor, shoes, slippers, groceries, gourmet foods, gourmet candies, and many other things that they are able to purchase when they find a good bid. They sell the products back to the consumers at a much lower price than they would have purchased at a regular store or major supplier because these entities are willing to sell it off to them without worrying about making a profit. Dollar General is very similar to the way Big Lots and these other stores work, except that Dollar General also sells its own generic brand of goods.

Inside Generic Brands

Inside brands cannot be completely excluded from the harvesters list though. These brands are often supplied by name brand producers. Those producers create a lot of content and want it all to sell. Rather than to waste any leftover supplies, they package the leftover products into less expensive packaging and sell it to these other retailers as generic goods. In some instances, the parent company may be able to qualify a portion of these supplies as charitable goods. They will have to follow certain guidelines and only a certain amount will qualify, but it has been done. The charitable contribution method may not provide an immediate return, but it does provide a return in the form of reduced taxes, which is a reduced amount of money that the company will need to spend when it comes time for them to pay their taxes, in whatever interval that they pay. This is similar to when a company provides a donation to Salvation Army or Good Will; only these companies usually mix techniques between the charitable contribution method and the sale as a harvest good. Many times the generic brand companies will want to continuously take the overage as a regular good.

Stores like the Dollar Tree and the Family Dollar many times receive harvest goods in a similar manner, to sell as their own generic brands. Occasionally they will have special sales where items are introduced in limited quantities for a limited time because a major corporation was willing to sell off to harvest. I remember once picking up a few bottles of Coppertone Sunblock at SPF 70 from the dollar tree for only $1 a bottle. The same lotion sold in the regular stores for nearly $12. I guess there aren't as many people as I thought needing that type of sunblock because I haven't seen it in the stores since that year when I was able to buy so many bottles of it at one time. The same thing happened with a system that would take cassette tape music and transfer it to MP3 on a computer so that it could be used in iPods and other MP3 players. Dollar Tree got a large customer base when they sold that product because it was near Christmas and many of the people that bought it went and sold it on eBay and made a return from it themselves. The method works out great because the consumers get a good rate, the selling store gets a profit, and the manufacturer does not have to let go of the item for free, and they do not have to pay for it to let go of it.

Sell Excess as a Supplier to Others

I once even read an article that spoke about how Wal-Mart was able to sell their tires at such an inexpensive price. This article actually focused on the Goodyear tires that are sold in the Wal-Mart service centers. The company actually sells to Wal-Mart excess tires that have been on the market for a specified amount of time. I guess that Goodyear puts a sort of expiration date on their tires so that they tires are not prone to going bad quicker just because the customer bought the tire past that date; when the tires are starting to degenerate as particles of the materials begin to fall off. This ensures top quality of the tires that are sold through Goodyear stores and through the suppliers Goodyear allows to sell them. Once that time limit is reached, but the tires are still good, the company needs an outlet for the tires or they have to just let them go. Wal-Mart provides a good avenue for them. Wal-Marts reputation for providing good quality at an affordable rate allows them to be able to purchase the excess tires and then sell them back to their customer base at a much lower rate than anywhere else. However, these tires are no longer backed by Goodyear; they just carry the name on their design. It's still a good quality tire, it's just no longer guaranteed by Goodyear's time limitations.

Other methods

There are a couple of other avenues not yet mentioned. Some companies will purchase the excess goods to supply their own services. I read an article once about when one of the Fiat models began to decline in sales. While reordering marketing funds to some of the newer models, Fiat sold the old body and some of its parts to other car manufacturers to use on their own models. I guess the models were similar enough when disassembled that the sell was helpful. Custom motorcycle designers are often popular for the design of the motorcycle bodies, while oftentimes using a variety of different manufacturers to supply the engines. To save money, they are will to use harvest engines inside of their designs as long as those engine are from a good manufacturer so that they don't mess up the overall outlook of the design.

Small Business

It's not just in automobiles that this works. Small businesses are constantly reaping the benefits of these harvest accounts. What is excess chlorine at your company can be turned into ample pool maintenance supplies at their company. These starters will look anywhere to get a discount on supplies; web search, eBay, Amazon, call suppliers in person to work out a deal, and even advertise to have suppliers looking to sell out to contact them. Some even have private business forums where businesses can trade excess supplies between each other. I remember an old mechanic friend, who started his own shop, even asking customers if they wanted to reduce their costs by giving him permission to purchase parts from a local salvage yard industry. These suppliers are willing to buy from everywhere to get a good price. If they feel a bulk deal will pay off, they are a prime market for harvest.

Final Thoughts

If all else fails, website like Amazon and eBay do work well, and do some auctions. It all depends on the good to be sold. Regardless, during financial decline Harvesting does present itself as a good alternative, with many avenues for generating a small profit from the diminishing goods.

For more details information on finding harvest markets, or for any other questions please visit my website at and fill out the contact form.


Friday, 30 January 2015

My Harvest America - How to Get 9,840 My Harvest America Distributors in Your Downline

My Harvest America distributors are crawling the internet looking for the best, most efficient, proven method of growing their business. Why?

I'm going out on a limb with this but I would venture to say that most that are with this company have been in several MLM's before with no success. If so you already know about the constant rejection, countless home parties, cold calling leads, harassing family members and friends. Your credibility with your sphere of influence is shot like mine was because you've been in so many different MLM's.You've made up your mind that you really don't want to go that route anymore.

On the My Harvest America corporate website they teach you to:

1. Watch the video

2. Sign Up

3. Make your prospect list

4. Give them your website

5. Have them watch the video

You are more than welcome to build your business that way if that approach works best for you. But if you are like countless other My Harvest America reps you want to learn how to max out the 3x8 matrix at 9,840 distributors and be a top earner as fast as possible using leverage.

The most effective way now is to place your business, website, presentation or whatever you want to call it in front of millions of people on the internet. And there's one thing for sure. You can't just decide to throw up videos, webpages, and other ads thinking that a mass amount of traffic is going to magically appear to your website.

These are things you must learn

- how to choose buying keywords vs browser keywords

- how to write headlines that will get people to read your ad, article, email or watch your video

- what to say in videos, how long is too long, how to get massive views

- what's the correct way to do Google PPC and not get Google slapped

- why you should ditch your company replicated site fast

That is just a taste. So by now hopefully you can see that there is more to it than just doing it on your own. If you are using the excuse that "I'm not internet savvy" you can buy into it or learn how to overcome that obstacle.

If you want to be a top earner in My Harvest America I strongly suggest you embrace the internet as a powerful tool for leverage. Not only that but learn from those that ARE where you want to be.

To get an in depth My Harvest America review go here. There you will find out how to become a top earner by mastering the internet and learning from the pros.


Sunday, 25 January 2015

Harvesting Tweets For Research and Profit - Is it Legal?

Harvesting tweets is on the rise.

Researchers and marketers alike are now capturing and downloading Tweets from Twitter's database. Privacy activists argue privacy concerns. Researchers, marketers, and Twitter users all want to know - is Twitter harvesting legal?

How and Why

Every day, users of the Twitter social media publishing platform send out millions of Tweets - short electronic messages of 140 characters or less - to their readers and followers.

Most Twitter users are not aware that it's relatively easy for anyone with a skilled programmer to harvest and download their Tweets. All a programmer has to do is to gain access to Twitter's Application Programming Interface (API), and then to write code that requests data from Twitter's servers through the API. The code contains search criteria, usually in the form of key words and phrases of interest.

One prime example of why Tweets are harvested is the harvesting of Tweets by news organizations Tweets during the riots that followed the Iranian presidential election of 2009. The results provided an excellent source of real time information from a closed society as events unfolded, and afterwards, a fascinating historical record of how the protesters worked together under difficult conditions.

Advertisers have also joined the Tweet harvesting process. For example, suppose you're going to lunch in an urban office setting, and you tweet a collection of co-workers suggesting a specific restaurant. A savvy marketer harvests your Tweet, and then emails to your smart phone a coupon for a hefty discount at another restaurant nearby. Pretty nifty for the savvy marketer, and perhaps a welcome suggestion for a discounted lunch, but is it legal?

The Electronic Communications Privacy Act

In 1968, the Wiretap Act was passed to impose rules for obtaining wiretap orders. In 1986, the Wiretap Act was amended by The Electronic Communications Privacy Act to extend coverage of the Wiretap Act to electronic communications.

Generally, the Wiretap Act as amended prohibits the intentional interception, use, or disclosure of wire and electronic communications, unless a statutory exception applies. This means that all persons (including governments) are prohibited from wiretapping phones and intercepting electronic communications over the Web, unless a statutory exception (safe harbor) applies.

How does this apply to Tweets? A specific statutory exception applies to electronic communications that are publicly accessible. This is the exact language of the statutory exception: "It shall not be unlawful...for any intercept or access an electronic communication made through an electronic communication system that is configured so that such electronic communication is readily accessible to the general public".

Readily accessible to the general public is defined by the statute as follows: "...with respect to a radio communication, that such communication is not...scrambled or encrypted".

It would appear that any Tweet that is not designated by the Twitter user as "private" would clearly fall within the statutory exception because the Tweet is not scrambled or encrypted. So, Tweet harvesters appear to have a strong argument that they're protected by the publicly accessible safe harbor.

The Google Litigation

Google is now involved in litigation involving its collection of WiFi data. It seems that Google's Street View cars have engaged in the now-ended practice of collecting bits of private wireless data while cruising neighborhoods for data used in its Google Maps online service.

Although Google ceased this type of electronic data collection and stated that it was not intentional, a class action suit has been filed against Google.


The harvesting of Tweets that are not designated as private would appear to be protected by the publicly accessible safe harbor.

It's interesting that Google's collection of WiFi data is very similar to Tweet harvesting. It would seem that publicly accessible safe harbor would also protect Google in this litigation, but we'll have to wait and see how this case is resolved.


Wednesday, 21 January 2015

My Harvest America, the Future of Shopping

My Harvest America dubbed their Internet based shopping system "The Grocery Store of the Future". It is in fact clear that the route in which the marketplace is moving is from a direct go-buy approach to a more abstract one comparable Internet ordering. For the MLM business, this might be the variation that makes the change and My Harvest America have apprehended the chance with their new concept. A query rises, however: is this methodology going to be profitable for the contemporary buyer, or are we even now waiting for the model to be wholly and efficiently implemented?

The re-launch of the company was the 22nd of December 2009. In a confident endeavor to change their marketing strategies, My Harvest America completed the leap from the 90ish perceivable catalog shopping to the virtual notion of online grocery shopping. As a direct consequence, your commercial plan ought to evolve from the old-school "spread the word to friends and relatives" to the modern techie Internet marketing method. Still, it looks this will be your job, as the company hasn't yet created any strategy to that end. They have prepared a little improvements, e.g.: they propose to host a website for you, the Internet connection techniques, the computer-initiated matrix, etc. but unfortunately no online marketing help or training.

My Harvest America presents an array of everyday-use non-perishable products. The upside is you only have to pick these products just sitting contentedly at home and have them transported to your home. Owed to Fred Weih's experience and proficiency in direct sales and to the clear lack of competition, the company is presented with the opportunity of taking over this particular market segment.

Opinions on market need for this specific mode of selling groceries may vary, as its reward are arguable. One big hitch is that to acquire perishable products similar to meat, dairy or vegetables, you will still have to go to supermarkets, so you won't be cutting back a lot on gasoline or time. As contrasting to the vastness of product brands you can obtain in a traditional store, My Harvest America presents a smaller range of brands, and this may be a nuisance for the typical buyer who desire brands that are not listed in MHA list. Moreover, the incomplete number of grocery stores can only result in to lengthy shipping time. But all these disadvantages didn't obstruct a number of almost 1000 possible shoppers to sign on the MHA website throughout the launch day.

As far as the compensation plan is considered, My Harvest America enables its customers choose from two assorted membership types, Shopper and Super Shopper. The chief difference between these two memberships is that the Shopper has a 10 percent bonus on each representative, whereas the latter's bonus is 20 percent. They also get a matching bonus on each one of their rep's rep as much as the 5th level. The maximum number of levels is 8, each sponsor attain to sport 3 reps on their respective first level. A total grasp of Internet marketing strategies is essential in order to really to make money. You not only need to form a good team, but you also have to make certain that the team is effective and creating success. All this necessitates specialized training, but is My Harvest America going to give it?

It seems that, this is not the case. There aren't any mentions of training on the MHA website, but this is routine for newly created MLM Internet websites. All you can get from their site is an Advertising Guideline and a Question & Answer document related to MHA Grocery frequent issues.

Unfortunately, My Harvest America still seems to cast national "bring a friend" conferences in place of the Network Marketing approach training you ought to be expecting. This may only require that if you want to create income by way of their online grocery stores, its solely up to you to understand the right strategies and techniques by yourself, and assemble your team suitably.

All in all, My Harvest America gives the feeling of a fair opportunity for profit, given that the actual prospect already has a knowledge of Internet Marketing and team building. In addition it seems that, as is usually the case with new network marketing companies, joining now might be a good investment. Then again, one can emphasize that it's not the moment of joining that is key to success, but the marketing method you use.


Friday, 9 January 2015

My Harvest America Business Opportunity

Starting a business is not easy. It is especially difficult if you want to start a business with a new company; such as My Harvest America. The reason is there is no history behind it and most people know the many MLM and network companies come out of the wood work with every kind of promise of helping the average man or women become wealthy, but then they disappear. Competition between MLM's and network marketing companies are fierce and only the strong will survive.

So, what does My Harvest America business opportunity has to offer that is so different than the many hundreds of thousand MLM's and network marketing companies out there. Well, let us first discuss what My Harvest America is.

My Harvest America is an online discount grocery store that offers free shipping. In addition it is a home based business opportunity that is helping many people save money on the products purchased.

My Harvest America business opportunity launched on December 21, 2009. It is a direct sales company that pays customers money that normally would go towards advertisements. The money is sent directly to you in the form of commissions. Those who generate an income for My Harvest America are referred to as representatives.

This company offers savings on thousands of discount groceries and millions of products from name brand stores. Here are a sampling of what this business opportunity has to offer:

- Baby = everything from diapers to baby food.
- Baking = Breadcrumbs to cake decorating
- Cereal = Huge selection of Cold and Hot cereals.
- Canned Goods = from soups to nuts.
- Deserts = All the mixes you will ever need.
- Pasta = wide variety of every style
- Household = everything you need to keep your household clean
- Pet Products = supplies for your bird, cat or dog
- Snacks = whatever snack you like they have.
- Spreads = from peanut butter to marmalades.

To become a member costs only $29.95 per month. To earn commissions, you must purchase a product package. You bonuses are paid on the 15th of each month. There is a three day refund policy on all product packages. Each My Harvest America representative will have their own website which is requested during the enrollment process. The website looks similar to MY HARVEST username.

There are no monthly fees for your website or your back office. The replicated websites and back office are part of your yearly administration fees.

Currently, My Harvest America business is only offered in the United States.

My Harvest America Compensation Plan:

As a representative, you have the potential to earn rewards up to and beyond 8 levels of referred shoppers. To grow you business, you earn commission from all subscription orders placed in your 3x8 shoppers team that forms a matrix. To qualify to receive Matrix commissions, you must have enrolled as a shopper or super shopper and be on a monthly subscription and have at least one personally sponsored shopper or retail subscriber on a monthly subscription.

Other ways to generate an income from the My Harvest America compensation plan is:

50% Shopper Matching Bonus - $29.95/month

Earn 10% Matching Bonus on your personally sponsored shoppers and their personally sponsored shoppers up to 5 levels and unlimited width for a total of 50% match. Earn 20% matching bonus on your Personally sponsored Super Shoppers and their Personally sponsored Super Shoppers up to 5 levels and unlimited width of a total of 100% match. Retail Subscriber Income: upline earns a residual income from their monthly $39.95 or 99.90 shopper subscription fees.

100% Super Shopper Matching Bonus - $49.95/month

My Harvest America Products:
Package 1: Grocery Program (Shopper): $69.90
Shopper: $29.95 (Retail price is $39.95 per month)

My Harvest America Trainings:
My Harvest America Corporate Calls is one form of training offered. Not a whole lot of information offered in this area; not even on their main website. There may be some individual groups within the company that offer trainings but what kind is not known.


I think My Harvest America is looking to be ahead of the game. We sell just about everything else on the internet, so why not groceries too? The question is will people be willing to change their grocery shopping habits to shopping for their groceries online. That remains to be seen.

On last additional comment is going to be on their training. Most people fail due to lack of marketing skills. I think it would be advantages for My Harvest America or any MLM or network marketing business to offer trainings on various forms of marketing, offline as well as online and online would probably be the best way since this is a company that markets their goods on the internet.

If, as a representative of My Harvest America or any MLM or network marketing company for that matter isn't giving you the skills you need to generate leads, customers, sales, don't quit. There are many resources you can find on the internet that will give you the skills you need to be a success in your home business. You just have to look for them and test them to see which one you prefer.

Online marketing or training companies usually have a sales funnel, which will allow you to generate an income while you are building your business. Never give up because quitters never succeed. Successful people are usually the ones who are willing to do what most other people will not do.


Tuesday, 6 January 2015

MyHarvestAmerica Website - What Message Does it Put Across?

The most striking thing about the MyHarvestAmerica website are its colors, red, white and blue. Is it putting across patriotic messages? The Tag line "The Grocery Store of the Future is No Store At All" is eye catching and is followed by a red navigational bar.

When you visit the website you will notice that it has a promotional video, some sales copy and a few reasons to buy from the website. The website also has a scrolling screen displaying the brands offered by the company. The scroll speed was very fast and a bit annoying. I did get it to slow down so that I could actually view the brands by placing my mouse on the scrolling banner.

The video on the website provides reasons why we should use MyHarvestAmerica website to order groceries. It emphasizes on the point that apart from getting access to over 10,000 brands you save money and have the opportunity to make money as well.

The navigational bar has various links which provide in depth information about the company, the services and benefits. If you were to browse to the Loyalty Program tab you will notice a video which explains how the My Harvest America model works. The Super Shopper Benefits tab provides information about the discounts available to shoppers who opt into the program as "Super Shoppers".

It was a little disappointing that the My Harvest America website does not have a lead capture mechanism or marketing systems in place. The website serves as an online brochure for the company which is of little help for distributors as a marketing tool. For newbies it might require a lot of effort to learn how to market their business and generate a constant stream of leads.

Prospects browsing the website cannot view the products offered by My Harvest America. A user-name and password are required to browse the retail shopper area. There is a video which walks you through the virtual supermarket but if you want to experience the process you have to be a member.

It is safe to say that the My Harvest America website serves as a marketing tool for the company by providing information about the company, the services and money making opportunities. The company has made an attempt to make the site as informational as possible with the use of videos, media clips and the like. Their efforts are feeble and does not appeal to the web 2.0 audiences.

The website is well laid out and appealing but it does lack web 2.0 features which are very necessary for marketing nowadays.
